Luke Chapter 22 KJV
1The chief priests and scribes conspire against Christ: 3Judas covenanteth to betray him. 7The apostles sent to prepare the passover: Christ eateth it with them; 19and instituteth his last supper: 21he covertly pointeth out the traitor: 24checketh the ambitious strife of his disciples, and promiseth them a share in his kingdom: 31he telleth Peter of Satan's desire to sift him; 35he adviseth his disciples to provide necessaries and a sword: 39his agony and prayer in the garden: 47he is betrayed; 50healeth a servant of the high priest, whose ear was cut off; 54is led to the high priest's house; Peter thrice denieth him. 63Christ is scornfully used; 66and brought before the council, where confessing himself to be the Son of God, he is pronounced guilty of blasphemy.