Acts Chapter 7 KJV
1Stephen, called upon to answer the charge against him, relateth how God called Abraham, and gave him and his seed the land of Canaan by promise; 9how Joseph was sold by his brethren, and Jacob with his family went down into Egypt; 17how, when they were oppressed by the Egyptians, Moses was born, and sent to deliver Israel out of Egypt; 37that this same Moses witnessed of Christ, received the law, and experienced the disobedience and idolatry of their forefathers; 44who had the tabernacle of witness, till Solomon built the temple; 51he reproacheth his hearers with imitating their fathers' rebellion against God, and persecution of his prophets, by having themselves murdered Christ, and transgressed the law they had received. 54Stung with the reproach, they stone him, looking up with faith unto God, and calling upon Jesus to receive his soul, and forgive his persecutors.