Luke Chapter 12 KJV
1Christ teacheth his disciples to avoid hypocrisy, and not to be fearful in publishing his doctrine: 13he refuseth to be judge in a civil cause, and warneth the people to beware of covetousness by the parable of a rich man, who boasted himself in his multiplied stores: 22he exhorteth not to be over anxious about the provisions of this life; but to seek the kingdom of God; 33to lay up treasure in heaven by giving alms; 35and to be always ready for our Lord's coming. 41By the parable of a good and a wicked steward he sheweth the duty of his ministers in particular: 49he foretelleth the divisions on account of the gospel: 54reproveth the people for not discerning the times: 57and sheweth the danger of neglecting the means of reconciliation offered them.